Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement

Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

When buying or selling a property in Ontario, it is essential to understand the legal contract that governs the sale – the Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction, including the purchase price, closing date, and any contingencies or conditions that need to be met before the sale can be finalized.

As a professional, I will guide you through the key aspects of the Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement, and explain why it is important to work with a qualified real estate agent or lawyer during the sale process.

What is an Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement?

An Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement is a legally binding contract between a buyer and seller of a property in Ontario. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, closing date, and any contingencies or conditions that must be met before the sale can be finalized.

The Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) has a standard form for the Sales Agreement, which is used by most real estate agents in the province. However, some agents may use their own form, which should still comply with Ontario`s real estate laws and regulations.

What Does the Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement Cover?

The Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement covers a range of important details about the sale, including:

1. Purchase Price: The agreed-upon price for the property, including any deposits or down payments that need to be made.

2. Closing Date: The date on which the property will officially change hands, and the buyer will take possession of the property.

3. Chattels and Fixtures: Any movable items (chattels) or fixtures (permanent items) that are included in the sale, such as appliances, drapes, or light fixtures.

4. Conditions and Contingencies: Any conditions that must be met before the sale can be finalized, such as a satisfactory home inspection or obtaining financing.

5. Title: The legal ownership documents for the property and any liens or encumbrances on the property.

6. Property Taxes and Utilities: Who will pay for the property taxes, utilities, and other ongoing expenses associated with the property.

7. Closing Costs: The costs associated with closing the sale, such as legal fees, land transfer taxes, and real estate commissions.

8. Warranties and Representations: Any warranties or guarantees made by the seller, such as the condition of the property or any defects or damages.

The Importance of Working with a Real Estate Agent or Lawyer

While the Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement is a standardized form, it is still a legal contract that can have far-reaching implications for both the buyer and seller. Therefore, it is crucial to work with a qualified real estate agent or lawyer who can guide you through the process and ensure that your interests are protected.

A real estate agent can help you understand the terms and conditions of the Sales Agreement, and negotiate any necessary changes to the contract. They can also advise you on the current market conditions, help you find the right property or buyer, and assist with the closing process.

A real estate lawyer can review the Sales Agreement and ensure that the contract complies with Ontario`s real estate laws and regulations. They can also help you understand any legal implications of the sale, such as tax liabilities or zoning restrictions.


The Ontario Real Estate Sales Agreement is a crucial document that governs the sale of a property in Ontario. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, closing date, and any contingencies or conditions that must be met before the sale can be finalized.

To ensure that the sale proceeds smoothly and protects your interests, it is essential to work with a qualified real estate agent or lawyer. They can help you understand the Sales Agreement, negotiate any necessary changes, and ensure that the sale complies with Ontario`s real estate laws and regulations.